General information about the educational program
Full name of the higher education institution and structural unit: National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
Degree of higher education: Bachelor’s degree
Field of expertise: 12 Information technologies
Specialty: 122 Computer science
Official name of the educational and professional program: Computerization of Information Processing and management
Type of diploma and scope of the educational and professional program: Bachelor’s degree, single, duration of study 3 years 10 months
– based on complete general secondary education – 240 ECTS credits
– based on a junior bachelor’s degree (educational qualification level “Junior Specialist”) – 240 ECTS credits. KHAI recognizes and re-credits no more than 120 ECTS credits obtained within the previous educational program of training of a junior bachelor (junior specialist) in specialties within the industry and no more than 60 ECTS credits obtained within the previous educational program of training of a junior bachelor (junior specialist) in other specialties
Availability of accreditation: Certificate of accreditation: Series UD No. 21008322 issued on January 25, 2019. Valid until July 01, 2024.
Cycle/level: NQF – level 6, EQF-LLL – level 6, FQ-EHEA – first cycle
Prerequisites: A person has the right to obtain a bachelor’s degree provided that he or she has a complete general secondary education and/or the initial level (short cycle) of higher education (junior bachelor, professional junior bachelor, educational qualification level “Junior specialist”)
Language(s) of instruction: The language of instruction is the state language. 3 To create conditions for international academic mobility, a decision may be made to teach one or more disciplines in English and/or other foreign languages
Duration of the educational and professional program: Before the introduction of the new educational and scientific program
The purpose of the educational and professional program:
Training of a qualified, competitive, integrated into European and world educational space specialist with a bachelor’s degree in specialty 122 “Computer Science”, capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of information technology in the fields of aviation, astronautics, as well as in related industries and economics
Suitability of graduates for employment and further education
Suitability for employment: Professional activity as a specialist in the development of mathematical, information, and software of computer systems, in information technology. A bachelor’s degree can hold primary specialist positions at enterprises (industrial, financial, organizational, IT enterprises):
– in information technology;
– software development and testing;
– in the development of computer programs;
– database administration.
Places of employment: educational institutions; research, design and development, manufacturing, financial, public and private enterprises and organizations (specialists in IT departments or IT enterprises).
Academic rights of graduates: Continuation of studies under the second (master’s) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education
Teaching and assessment
Teaching and learning: Student-centered learning, self-study, and problem-based learning are aimed at developing critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, dual and distance education, etc. Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory work, seminars, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on textbooks and notes, consultations with teachers, preparation of bachelor’s degree project
Evaluation: Written exams, internship reports, presentations, current (module) control, bachelor’s thesis design and defense
Characteristics of the educational program
Description of the subject area:
An object of study and activity:
– mathematical, informational, simulation models of real phenomena, objects, systems and processes, subject areas, data and knowledge representation;
– methods and technologies for obtaining, storing, processing, transmitting, and using information, intelligent data analysis, and decision-making;
– theory, analysis, development, performance evaluation, implementation of algorithms, high-performance computing, including parallel computing and big data.
Learning objectives: training of specialists capable of conducting theoretical and experimental research in the field of computer science; applying mathematical methods and algorithmic principles in modeling, designing, developing, and maintaining information technologies; developing, implementing, and maintaining intelligent systems for analyzing and processing data of organizational, technical, natural and socio-economic systems
Theoretical content of the subject area: modern models, methods, algorithms, technologies, processes, and methods of obtaining, representing, processing, analyzing, transmitting, and storing data in information systems
Methods, techniques, and technologies:
– mathematical models, methods, and algorithms for solving theoretical and applied problems that arise in the development of IT;
– modern technologies and programming platforms;
– methods of collecting, analyzing, and consolidating distributed information;
– technologies and methods of design, development, and quality assurance of IT components;
– computer graphics methods and data visualization technologies;
– knowledge engineering technologies, CASE technologies for IT modeling and design
Tools and equipment: distributed computing systems; computer networks; mobile and cloud technologies, database management systems, operating systems
Orientation of the educational and professional program:
Educational and professional for the preparation of bachelors
The main focus of the educational and professional program:
The bachelor’s degree in IT involves the study of general and professional training disciplines of compulsory and free choice to acquire competencies in mathematical models, methods, algorithms, and information technologies for data processing and management of complex objects and processes in production and economics, including in the aerospace industry, capable of independent professional activity in these areas
Keywords: computer science, information technology, information processing, management of complex objects and processes, management intellectualization
Features of the educational and professional program:
The exclusivity of the program is based on the peculiarities of managing objects and processes in the aerospace industry (design, production, operation, business process management), as well as in related industries and economies that are associated with complex, including critical technologies that require real-time information processing and information security to ensure reliable management
Program competencies
Integral competence:
Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of computer science or in the process of study, which involves the application of theories and methods of information technology and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions
General competencies (GC):
GC1. Ability to think abstractly, analyze, and synthesize.
GC2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC3. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activities.
GC4. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.
GC5. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
GC6. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
GC7. Ability to search, process, and analyze information from various sources.
GC8. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
GC9. Ability to work in a team.
GC10. Ability to be critical and self-critical.
GC11. Ability to make informed decisions.
GC12. Ability to assess and ensure the quality of work performed.
GC13. Ability to act on ethical considerations.
GC14. Ability to exercise one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights, and freedoms in Ukraine.
GC15. Ability to preserve and increase moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society, and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle
Special (professional) competencies (SC):
SC1. Ability to mathematically formulate and study continuous and discrete mathematical models, justify the choice of methods and approaches for solving theoretical and applied problems in the field of computer science, analysis, and interpretation
SC2. Ability to identify statistical patterns of non-deterministic phenomena and apply computational intelligence methods, including statistical, neural network, and fuzzy data processing, machine learning and genetic programming methods, etc.
SC3. Ability to think logically, build logical conclusions, use formal languages and models of algorithmic computing, design, develop and analyze algorithms, evaluate their effectiveness and complexity, solvability and intractability of algorithmic problems for adequate modeling of subject areas, and creation of software and information systems.
SC4. Ability to use modern methods of mathematical modeling of objects, processes, and phenomena, develop models and algorithms for numerical solutions of mathematical modeling problems, and take into account errors in approximate numerical solutions of professional problems.
SC5. Ability to carry out a formalized description of the tasks of researching operations in organizational, technical, and socio-economic systems for various purposes, determine their optimal solutions, build models of optimal management taking into account changes in the economic situation, and optimize management processes in systems of various purposes and hierarchy levels.
SC6. Ability to think systematically, and apply the methodology of system analysis to study complex problems of different natures, and methods of formalizing and solving systemic problems with conflicting goals, uncertainties, and risks.
SC7. Ability to apply the theoretical and practical foundations of modeling methodology and technology to study the characteristics and behavior of complex objects and systems, and conduct computational experiments with processing and analysis of results.
SC8. Ability to design and develop software using various programming paradigms: generalized, object-oriented, functional, and logical, with appropriate models, methods, and algorithms of computation, data structures, and control mechanisms.
SC9. Ability to implement a multilevel computing model based on client-server architecture, including databases, knowledge, and data warehouses, to perform distributed processing of large data sets on clusters of standard servers to meet the computing needs of users, including cloud services.
SC10. Ability to apply methodologies, technologies, and tools to manage the life cycle processes of information and software systems, information technology products, and services following customer requirements.
SC11. Ability to intelligently analyze data based on computational intelligence methods, including large and poorly structured data, to process it quickly and visualize the results of analysis in the process of solving applied problems.
SC12. Ability to ensure the organization of computing processes in information systems for various purposes, taking into account the architecture, configuration, and performance indicators of operating systems and system software.
SC13. Ability to develop network software that operates based on various topologies of structured cabling systems uses computer systems and data networks, and analyzes the quality of computer networks
SC14. Ability to apply methods and tools to ensure information security, and develop and operate special software to protect information resources of critical information infrastructure.
SC15. Ability to analyze and functional modeling of business processes, construction and practical application of functional models of organizational, economic, production, and technical systems, methods of risk assessment of their design.
SC16. Ability to implement high-performance computing based on cloud services and technologies, parallel and distributed computing in the development and operation of distributed systems for parallel information processing.
SC17. Ability to develop software for real-time management of objects and processes.
SC18. Ability to develop and operate special software for aerospace facilities and processes
Program learning outcomes
PLO1. Apply knowledge of the basic forms and laws of abstract and logical thinking, the basics of the methodology of scientific knowledge, and forms and methods of extracting, analyzing, processing, and synthesizing information in the subject area of computer science.
PLO2. Use the modern mathematical apparatus of continuous and discrete analysis, linear algebra, and analytical geometry in professional activities to solve problems of theoretical and applied nature in the process of designing and implementing information technology objects.
PLO3. Use knowledge of the laws of random phenomena, their properties and operations on them, models of random processes, and modern software environments to solve problems of statistical data processing and build predictive models.
PLO4. Use methods of computational intelligence, machine learning, neural network and fuzzy data processing, and genetic and evolutionary programming to solve problems of recognition, forecasting, classification, identification of control objects, etc.
PLO5. Design, develop, and analyze algorithms for solving computational and logical problems, and evaluate the effectiveness and complexity of algorithms based on the use of formal models of algorithms and computable functions.
PLO6. Use methods of numerical differentiation and integration of functions, solution of ordinary differential and integral equations, features of numerical methods, and possibilities of their adaptation to engineering problems, have skills in the software implementation of numerical methods.
PLO7. Understand the principles of modeling organizational and technical systems and operations; use methods of researching operations, and solving single- and multi-criteria optimization problems of linear, integer, nonlinear, and stochastic programming.
PLO8. Will use the methodology of system analysis of objects, processes, and systems for the tasks of analysis, forecasting, management, and design of dynamic processes in macroeconomic, technical, technological, and financial objects.
PLO9. Develop software models of subject environments, and choose a programming paradigm from the standpoint of convenience and quality of application for the implementation of methods and algorithms for solving problems in the field of computer science.
PLO10. Use tools for developing client-server applications, designing conceptual, logical, and physical models of databases, developing and optimizing queries to them, creating distributed databases, data warehouses, and showcases, knowledge bases, including on cloud services, using web programming languages.
PLO11. Possess the skills of managing the life cycle of software, products, and services of information technology following the requirements and restrictions of the customer, and be able to develop project documentation (feasibility study, terms of reference, business plan, agreement, contract).
PLO12. Apply methods and algorithms of computational intelligence and data mining in the tasks of classification, forecasting, cluster analysis, and search for associative rules using software tools to support multidimensional data analysis based on Data Mining, Text Mining, and Web Mining technologies.
PLO13. Know system programming languages and methods of developing programs that interact with components of computer systems, knowledge of network technologies, and computer network architectures, have practical skills in computer network administration technology and software.
PLO14. Know system programming languages and methods of developing programs that interact with components of computer systems, knowledge of network technologies, and computer network architectures, have practical skills in computer network administration technology and software.
PLO15. Apply knowledge of the methodology and CASE tools for designing complex systems, methods of structural analysis of systems, and object-oriented design methodology in the development and study of functional models of organizational, economic, production, and technical systems.
PLO16. Understand the concept of information security, the principles of secure software design, and ensure the security of computer networks in conditions of incomplete and uncertain of source data.
PLO17. Perform parallel and distributed computing, apply numerical methods and algorithms for parallel structures, and parallel programming languages in the development and operation of parallel and distributed software.
PLO18. Develop tools and software to manage complex systems and processes in real-time.
PLO19. Understand the concept of critical information technology for managing hazardous systems and processes.
Brief description, structure, and components
The main areas of specialization are the design and development of information and intelligent systems, information technologies with the use of analysis methods, and system development technologies at all stages of design.
Areas of study:
– basics of development and architecture of information systems
– basics of databases and knowledge
– computer networks and network technologies
– object-oriented programming
– algorithms and data structures
– programming using Java, C#
– web-programming: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP
– integration and middleware technologies
– basics of IT project management, Scrum / Agile processes
Competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) of graduates:
– ability to create information systems using C++, C#, Java programming languages
– ability to administer databases, both relational and document-oriented (MS SQL, Cache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
– ability to develop web applications using HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript
– ability to develop mobile applications for Android, iOS, Windows Phone
– ability to manage IT projects
– ability to test software of computer systems
Graduates majoring in Computer Science can work in:
– C#/.NET developer (you will learn how to develop programs based on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform and the C# language);
– JAVA developer (you will learn to create console, multithreaded, and web applications in Java);
– FRONT-END developer (you will learn how to create the client side of websites using HTML5 & CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery);
– BACK-END developer (you will learn how to create full-fledged web applications with server-side logic based on ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC);
– Database developer (you will learn how to create and work with various databases using MS SQL, ADO.NET Entity framework, etc.);
– Application developer for mobile devices (you will master the development of mobile applications for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone platforms);
– UI developer (you will learn to develop window and mobile applications based on WPF technology);
– Software tester (QA engineer) (you will learn how to write test cases, test and document errors, and use bug tracking systems).
Educational and professional programs
The 2019 year of enrollment
The 2020 year of enrollment
The 2021 year of enrollment
The 2022 year of enrollment
The 2023 year of enrollment