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Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

The development of virtual and augmented reality, cloud technologies and the Internet of Things, machine learning and artificial intelligence, big data and new forms of mobile applications…
IT is now accumulating many innovations that require in-depth development and implementation over several years

Want to learn more?

We offer the most relevant IT specialties that meet the requirements for specialists of leading IT companies

We will help you form an idea of your future specialty!


undergraduate students undergo pre-degree internships and diploma design on the basis of leading organizations, namely Sigma Software, Datagroup, Telesens, NixSolutions, GlobalLogic, etc. The department participates in joint projects to train IT specialists with Sigma Software and Datagroup

Teaching staff

are highly qualified specialists, all of whom hold a PhD or doctorate in engineering, as well as the rank of associate professor or professor. The teachers of the department are mostly graduates of our specialty, many of them also hold senior positions in various companies, lending their useful professional and life experience to teaching students

Training and laboratory facilities

the department is equipped with four modern computer classrooms for classroom and independent study of students, masters and graduate students. There is also a laboratory with equipment for developing software and hardware in the field of robotics, embedded systems, the Internet of Things, smart homes, etc.

International relations

the department actively cooperates with research centers and universities in Sweden, the USA, Germany, Israel, Mexico, China and other countries. Students have the opportunity to participate in international academic programs

Why to us?

Watch this video

Join us if you want to get a specialty that is prestigious, in demand, highly paid and combines the theory and practice of modern information technology in business and production!


years of experience in training specialists

19 professors

of them: 3 doctors of sciences, 3 professors, 15 candidates of sciences, 14 associate professors

2 specialties

122 “Computer science” 126 “Information systems and technologies”

3 levels of training

We train bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy

What do we teach?

Specialties you can learn from us!

122 “Computer Science” (educational program “Computerization of Information Processing and Management”)

126 “Information systems and technologies” (educational program “Distributed information systems”)

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