General information about the educational program
Full name of the higher education institution and structural unit: National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
Degree of higher education: Bachelor’s degree
Field of knowledge: 12 Information technology
Specialty: 126 Information systems and technologies
Official name of the educational and professional program: Distributed information systems
Type of diploma and scope of the educational and professional program: Bachelor’s degree, single, duration of study 3 years 10 months
Scope of the bachelor’s degree program:
– on the basis of complete general secondary education – 240 ECTS credits;
– on the basis of the junior bachelor’s degree (junior specialist’s degree), a higher education institution has the right to recognize and re-recognize no more than 120 ECTS credits obtained within the previous junior bachelor’s (junior specialist’s) educational program
Accreditation: Certificate of accreditation: Series UD № 21008323 issued on January 25, 2019. Valid until July 01, 2024.
Cycle/level: NQF – level 6, EQF-LLL – level 6, FQ-EHEA – first cycle
Prerequisites: A person has the right to obtain a bachelor’s degree provided that he/she has a complete general secondary education and/or the initial level (short cycle) of higher education (junior bachelor, professional junior bachelor, educational qualification level “Junior specialist”)
Language(s) of instruction: The language of instruction is the state language. 3 In order to create conditions for international academic mobility, a decision may be made to teach one or more disciplines in English and/or other foreign languages
Validity of the educational and professional program: Until the new educational and scientific program is put into effect
The purpose of the educational and professional program:
Training of a qualified, competitive, integrated into the European and world educational space specialist with a bachelor’s degree in the specialty 126 “Information Systems and Technologies”, capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of information technology in the fields of aviation, astronautics, as well as in related industries and economics
Suitability of graduates for employment and further education
Employability: Professional activity as a specialist in the development of mathematical, information and software in the field of information technology. The bachelor can hold primary specialist positions at enterprises (industrial, financial, organizations, IT enterprises):
– in information technology;
– in software development and testing;
– in the development of computer programs;
– in database administration.
Places of employment: educational institutions; research, design, production, financial, public and private enterprises and organizations (specialists in IT departments or IT enterprises)
Academic rights of graduates: Continuing education in the second (master’s) level of higher education. Acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education
Teaching and assessment
Teaching and learning: Student-centered learning, self-study, problem-based learning aimed at developing critical and creative thinking, learning through laboratory practice, dual, distance education, etc. Lectures, multimedia lectures, laboratory work, seminars, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on textbooks and notes, consultations with teachers, preparation of the bachelor’s thesis project
Assessment: Written examinations, reports on practices, presentations, current (module) control, bachelor’s degree project and its defense
Характеристика освітньої програми
Description of the subject area:
Object of study and activity:
– theoretical and methodological foundations and tools for creating and using information systems and technologies;
– evaluation criteria and methods for ensuring the quality, reliability, fault tolerance, survivability of information systems and technologies, as well as models, methods and tools for optimization and decision-making in the creation and use of information systems and technologies
Learning objectives: formation and development of general and professional competencies in information systems and technologies that contribute to the social sustainability and mobility of the graduate in the labor market; obtaining higher education for the development, implementation and research of information systems and technologies
Theoretical content of the subject area: concepts and principles of information management, system integration and administration of information systems, IT project management, architecture of IT infrastructure of enterprises
Methods, techniques and technologies: fundamental and applied sciences, modeling
Tools and equipment: computer equipment, control and measuring devices, software and hardware systems and tools, network equipment, specialized software, modern programming languages, etc.
Orientation of the educational and professional program:
Educational and professional for the preparation of bachelors
The main focus of the educational and professional program:
The bachelor’s degree in IT involves the study of general and professional training disciplines of compulsory and free choice to acquire competencies in mathematical models, methods, algorithms, information technologies for distributed data processing and management of objects and processes in various fields, including aerospace, capable of independent professional activity
Keywords: information technology, information processing, management of complex objects and processes, intellectualization of management, distributed information systems
Features of the educational and professional program:
The exclusivity of the program is based on the peculiarities of distributed management of complex objects and processes in various sectors of the economy (design, production, operation, business process management), as well as in the aerospace industry, which are associated with knowledge-intensive technologies that require distributed processing and protection of information to ensure reliable real-time management
Program competencies
Integral competence:
Ability to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems in the field of information systems and technologies, or in the learning process, characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions that require the application of theories and methods of information technology
General competencies (GC):
GC1. Ability to think abstractly, analyze and synthesize.
GC2. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
GC3. Ability to understand the subject area and professional activities.
GC4. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
GC5. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
GC6. Ability to search, process and summarize information from various sources.
GC7. Ability to develop and manage projects.
GC8. Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed.
GC9. Ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
GC10. Ability to preserve and enhance moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on an understanding of the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, to use various types and forms of physical activity for active recreation and healthy lifestyle
Special (professional) competencies (SC):
SC1. Ability to analyze the object of design or operation and its subject area.
SC2. Ability to apply standards in the field of information systems and technologies in the development of functional profiles, construction and integration of systems, products, services and infrastructure elements of the organization.
SC3. Ability to design, develop, debug and improve the system, communication and software and hardware of information systems and technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), computer-integrated systems and system network structure, management.
SC4. Ability to design, develop and use tools for the implementation of information systems, technologies and infocommunications (methodological, information, algorithmic, technical, software and other).
SC5. Ability to evaluate and take into account economic, social, technological and environmental factors at all stages of the life cycle of information and communication systems.
SC6. Ability to use modern information systems and technologies (production, decision support, data mining, etc.), cybersecurity methods and techniques in the performance of functional tasks and responsibilities.
SC7. Ability to apply information technology in the creation, implementation and operation of a quality management system and to assess the costs of its development and maintenance.
SC8. Ability to manage the quality of products and services of information systems and technologies throughout their life cycle.
SC9. Ability to develop business solutions and evaluate new technological proposals.
SC10. Ability to select, design, deploy, integrate, manage, administer and maintain information systems, technologies and infocommunications, services and infrastructure of the organization.
SC11. Ability to analyze, synthesize and optimize information systems and technologies using mathematical models and methods.
SC12. Ability to manage and use modern information and communication systems and technologies (including those based on the use of the Internet).
SC13. Ability to conduct computational experiments, compare the results of experimental data and solutions obtained.
SC14. Ability to form new competitive ideas and implement them in projects (startups).
SC15. Ability to use modern information technologies to develop control systems that operate in real time (aerospace systems, critical facility management systems, etc.).
SC16. Ability to use intelligent information technologies to make management decisions in complex systems and processes (aerospace, nuclear power, critical industrial facilities, etc.)
Program learning outcomes
PLO1. To know linear and vector algebra, differential and integral calculus, theory of functions of many variables, series theory, differential equations for functions of one and many variables, operational calculus, probability theory and mathematical statistics to the extent necessary for the development and use of information systems, technologies and infocommunications, services and infrastructure of the organization.
PLO2. To apply knowledge of fundamental and natural sciences, system analysis and modeling technologies, standard algorithms and discrete analysis in solving problems of designing and using information systems and technologies.
PLO3. To use basic knowledge of computer science and modern information systems and technologies, programming skills, technologies for safe work in computer networks, methods of creating databases and Internet resources, technologies for developing algorithms and computer programs in high-level languages using object-oriented programming to solve problems of designing and using information systems and technologies.
PLO4. Conduct systematic analysis of design objects and justify the choice of structure, algorithms and methods of information transfer in information systems and technologies.
PLO5. To argue the choice of software and hardware for the creation of information systems and technologies based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics, taking into account the requirements for the system and operating conditions; have the skills to debug and test software and hardware of information systems and technologies.
PLO6. Demonstrate knowledge of the current level of information systems technologies, practical skills in programming and using applied and specialized computer systems and environments for the purpose of their implementation in professional activities.
PLO7. Justify the choice of technical structure and develop appropriate software that is part of information systems and technologies.
PLO8. Apply the rules for designing design materials of information systems and technologies, know the composition and sequence of design work, taking into account the requirements of relevant regulatory documents for implementation in professional activities.
PLO9. To carry out a systematic analysis of the architecture of the enterprise and its IT infrastructure, to develop and improve its element base and structure
PLO10. To understand and take into account social, environmental, ethical, economic aspects, requirements of labor protection, occupational health, fire safety and existing national and foreign standards in the formation of technical specifications and solutions.
PLO11. Demonstrate the ability to develop a feasibility study for the development of information systems and technologies and be able to assess the economic efficiency of their implementation.
PLO12. Perform the development of software and hardware for the creation of distributed information systems in the aerospace industry and distributed production of complex equipment (automotive, shipbuilding, etc.).
PLO13. To use intelligent distributed information systems to make decisions on the management of distributed innovative production (aerospace industry, automotive industry, military equipment production, etc.)
Brief description, structure and components
The main focus is the study of modern approaches and technologies for creating distributed information systems using cloud technologies, Grid, IoT, Big Data and multi-agent systems
Areas of study:
– Fundamentals of distributed information systems development
– Basics of databases and knowledge
– Computer networks and network technologies
– Object-oriented programming
– Programming distributed systems using Java, C#, Python
– Big data technologies Big Data
– Web programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
– Integration and middleware technologies
– Technologies for the development of IoT data collection and transmission systems
– Cloud computing
– Grid computing
– Semantic Web and multi-agent systems
– Basics of IT project management, Scrum / Agile processes
Competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) of graduates:
– ability to implement projects of specialized information systems using Cloud technologies
– ensure the commissioning of information systems
– ability to support various information and IoT systems
– ability to design and implement distributed information systems with cloud architecture and data warehouses (Big Data)
Graduates with a degree in Computer Science can work:
– C#/.NET developer (you will learn how to develop programs based on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform and the C# language);
– JAVA developer (you will learn how to create console, multithreaded, and web applications in Java);
– FRONT-END developer (you will learn how to create the client side of websites using HTML5 & CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery);
– BACK-END developer (you will learn how to create full-fledged web applications with server-side logic based on ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC);
– DEVOPS ENGINEER (you will learn how to design, develop, test, deploy, and maintain Cloud and IoT applications);
– DATA SCIENTIST / MACHINE LEARNING ENGINEER (you will learn how to design and build processes for data mining using machine learning algorithms and tools for data analysis and modeling).
Educational and professional programs
2019 recruitment year
2020 recruitment year
2021 recruitment year
2022 recruitment year
2023 recruitment year