122 “Computer Science” (educational program “Computerization of Information Processing and Management”)
The main areas of the specialty “Computer Science” are the design and development of information and intelligent systems, information technologies with the use of analysis methods and system development technologies at all stages of design
The main difference between the specialty 122 and the specialties of the field of study 12 “Information Technology” is the study of integration processes for the research and creation of computer systems in various subject areas (integration of computer engineering and software engineering knowledge, as well as the use of a systematic approach to the design of computer systems).

126 “Information systems and technologies” (educational program “Distributed information systems)
The main focus of the specialty “Information Systems and Technologies” is the study of modern approaches and technologies for creating distributed information systems using cloud technologies, Grid, IoT, Big Data and multi-agent systems
The main difference between the specialty 126 and the specialties of the field of study 12 “Information Technology” is the study of distributed processes and control systems in various subject areas (distributed control objects, distributed control systems, distributed intelligent systems)