- Within the framework of the project “Wildau-Kharkiv IT Bridge” (DAAD “Digital Ukraine: Ensuring academic success in times of crisis (2022)”) in November 2022, at the invitation of the German side, Professor of the Department O. V. Maleeva visited the Wildau University of Applied Sciences. During the visit, she had the opportunity to attend e-Assessment seminars on innovative digital resources and software for online exams. She also met with students and postgraduate students of the Wildau University of Applied Sciences. Professor of the Department O.V. Maleeva gave a lecture on Transport problems solving with POMQM for Windows. In addition, a discussion of scientific exchange issues was organized with teachers and researchers of the university. Reports were made on the topics of scientific research (O. V. Maleeva made a report on Models of Harmonization of Interests and Conflict Resolution of Project Stakeholders)

- Professors, postgraduate students and students of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology of NAU “KhAI” took part in the international project “Wildau-Kharkiv IT Bridge”. During the autumn semester of 2022, professors of the department, Prohorov Oleksandr Valeriyovych and Maleeva Olga Volodymyrivna, taught their online courses to students. Postgraduate students and undergraduates of the department also took several courses from Ukrainian professors in an online format, and upon completion received internationally recognized certificates. The project was implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau, Germany). The initiative is aimed at supporting Ukrainian education.

- Head of the Department Professor Fedorovych Oleh Yevhenovych and Professor Prohorov Oleksandr Valeriyovych made publications in Scopus Q2 – MDPI Computation

- Professor of the Department Prohorov O.V. presented two reports on “Predictive Analytics for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Industrial Enterprises” and “Adaptive Intelligent System for Monitoring and Controlling the Parameters of Pipelines Electrochemical Corrosion Protection” at the Scopus Conference 2022 IEEE Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST) April 28-30, 2022, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The conference was held online, the reports can be viewed at the link

- Professor of the Department Prohorov O.V. and Head of the Department Professor Fedorovych O.E. presented a report on “Modeling of Distributed Mosaic Systems of Mobile Bionic Robots” and “Adaptive Intelligent System for Monitoring and Controlling the Parameters of Pipelines Electrochemical Corrosion Protection” at the Scopus conference International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering. June 28-30, 2022, Kharkiv, Ukraine. The conference was held online
- The team of authors, including Professor of the Department Prohorov O.V., 5th year student V. Lisovichenko, presented a report on “3D Quest Game for Career Guidance and Estimating Students Digital Competencies” at the Scopus conference on augmented reality in education AREdu 2020. AREdu 2020 is an international computer science seminar dedicated to researching the achievements and applications of virtual and augmented reality in education. The conference was held online, the report can be viewed at the link
- For many years of work and high professionalism at the ceremony in honor of the 90th anniversary of the KhAI, the head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology – 302, NAU “KhAI” Professor Fedorovych Oleg Yevhenovych and Associate Professor Momot Myroslav Oleksandrovych were awarded high awards from the city leadership.

- An exhibition of paintings, paintings with augmented reality (18 paintings in 2D and 5 paintings in 3D), which took place in the best galleries of Kharkiv
- International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research, and Application (China, Nanchang)
The conference was attended by the lecturer of the department Solianyk T.M.
- Entrepreneur Summit Technology Innovation Project Roadshow (China, Nanhu Jiaxing)
Tetyana Solianyk, a lecturer of the department, took part in the summit.

- XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization, and Knowledge Transfer” (ICTERI), May 15-18, 2017, at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The conference was attended by two reports of the teachers of the department – SCADA-systems and augmented reality as technologies for interactive and distance learning / A. Prokhorov, I. Klymenko, E. Yashyna, O. Morozova, S. Oliynyk, T. Solianyk and Competence-based approach to modeling and controlling student learning trajectories in the cloud service / V. Pavlenko, A. Prokhorov, O. Kuzminska, M. Mazorchuk.
- 10th International Doctoral Students Workshop on Logistics, June 20, 2017 Magdeburg
The conference topics included Production Planning and Management, Simulation Modeling of Transport Processes and Logistics Networks, and Innovative Research. The conference was held as part of the Science Days
“The 20th IFF Science Days, June 20-22, 2017”. The conference was attended by teachers of the department Solianyk T.M. and Bilokon Y.A.

- IEEE 25th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), June 6-10, 2016
Postgraduate student of the department Mikhail Ivanov participated in the international ISIE symposium with a report “Selection and justification of data transferring model in robotic group”. The symposium was held in Santa Clara, California, USA, under the auspices of Intel. Based on the results of his presentation at the symposium, Mikhail Ivanov was invited for an internship at the Intel branch (Mexico City, Mexico).

- Awarding of the scholarship of the Presidential Foundation of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine”, 2016
The best students of the technical university of Ukraine receive awards: the Presidential Foundation of Leonid Kuchma “Ukraine” awarded seven talented students of our university, including the 5th year student of the Department of Information Management Systems Yuliana Konsulova.

- Hackathon One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Four, 2016
The first place with the project “IT-Hero” was taken by the team of our department consisting of: Yulia Mukhina, Denis Sadilo, Kateryna Bogatykova, Yuliana Konsulova, Oleksandra Mikhaleva and Alla Chizhova.

- IT-Kharkiv Innovation Projects Competition, 2013
The forum was organized at the initiative of the Department for Improving Regional Competitiveness of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv City Council and the Coordination Council of the Information and Communication Technologies Cluster
The projects of the lecturer of the department Prohorov O.V. took the first place in the nomination “The best project in the field of software and hardware complexes of automation and robotics systems”, the third place in the nominations “The best project in the field of mobile applications” and “The best project in the field of cloud computing”

- InterSystems Student Programming Competition (Cambridge, MA 02142, United States), 2013
Students Guk A.V., Babych M.Y., Shved P.M., Miroshnyk A.Y. under the scientific supervision of Leshchenko A.B. took the first place. The team leader Andrii Huk became a participant of the annual InterSystems Global Summit developers’ conference in Orlando, USA, where he received a well-deserved award

- Regional final of the national championship “Golden BITE 5” in the nomination “Nosql” (Kharkiv, Ukraine), 2013
The KhAI team consisting of students A.V. Guk and O.Y. Miroshnyk, headed by A.B. Leshchenko, took first place