Join us!
Dear applicants!
Despite the war, life goes on. So let’s keep going and make plans for the future
There is a profession whose specialists are and will be in demand both in Ukraine and throughout the developed world. This is the IT field. There is still time to think and decide for yourself, but if you…
choosing your path in IT?
dreaming of studying modern information systems and technologies?
want to get a prestigious profession, in demand, and highly paid?
Find out more about the specialties and the specifics of admission in 2023
Training of IT specialists
Training at the department
The IT industry is amazing and multifaceted. Nevertheless, technologies such as the Internet of Things, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are changing our world. In its activities, the department identifies trends that are of great practical importance for the training of qualified specialists in the field of information technology. We are constantly improving and changing the content of our educational programs based on current trends that emerge and are in demand in the market

Your knowledge
will be focused on cross-platform programming, computer networks, and data transmission protocols, databases and knowledge, web, and mobile application development, parallel and distributed computing, Internet of Things, industrial automation, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, IT project management, information security and cybersecurity, cloud technologies, and many new and interesting things!

Your skills
will focus on designing and developing local and distributed information system applications in production and business, databases, software testing, and IT project management. In its scientific activities, the department identifies trends that are of great practical importance for the training of qualified specialists in the IT field

After studying
you will enter the most sought-after segment of IT professionals and will be able to hold such positions as software developer or tester, system architect, business analyst, project manager, and others, most importantly, the knowledge and skills you acquire are enough to organize your own IT business from scratch!
Watch a video about our department and educational programs
Today, our department teaches and graduates bachelors, masters, and doctors of philosophy in the specialties 122 Computer Science and 126 Information Systems and Technologies
Educational program: computerization of information processing and management
The main areas of expertise are the design and development of information and intelligent systems, information technologies with the use of analysis methods, and system development technologies at all stages of the life cycle
Educational program: distributed information systems
The main focus is the study of modern approaches and technologies for creating distributed information systems using cloud technologies, Grid, IoT, Big Data, and multi-agent systems
Teaching staff
What our graduates say

All my life I wanted to be a programmer, and my department helped me with this – it gave me the necessary set of basic knowledge with which I was able to develop as a specialist…
Read the full story…
Oleksandr Sayenko
Senior iOS Developer у Sigma Software

When starting a study or career path, it is important to form the right goals and a good foundation.
For my fundamental knowledge and skills, I am infinitely grateful to Department 302…
Read the full story…
Chyhyr Natalia
Senior Software Testing Engineer у EPAM Systems

Perhaps some students are faced with a choice among several specialties. For my part, I can only recommend choosing in favor of my favorite department…
Read the full story…
Soud Mohammed Amin
PhD, teacher at Lebanese French University-LFU
«PROstorie» project
As part of it, we will communicate with representatives of the IT industry, entrepreneurs, specialists, and beginners. The episodes are based on the stories of our graduates! Some of them have only recently started their journey, while others have already achieved career success and have more than one large project under their belt. This is the most important thing for us – to show the diversity of our heroes’ experiences!

Join the team of professionals
Make your dream of becoming an IT specialist come true!
Let us tell you a little bit about how we do it

FAQ for applicants
Entry 2023
01. Important stages and deadlines for school, college, and technical school graduates
1. Registration of electronic accounts – from July 1
2. The registration of applications for participation in interviews for admission to the places of state or regional order lasts from July 03 to July 10 (until 18:00)
3. Registration of applications for participation in interviews for admission exclusively to places funded by individuals and/or legal entities lasts from July 03 to July 25 (until 18:00)
4. Interviews for admission to the places of state or regional order – from July 07 to July 18
5. Interviews for admission exclusively to places funded by individuals and/or legal entities will be held from July 07 to July 31
6. Registration of applications – from July 19 to July 31 (until 18:00)
7. Formation of ranking lists of applicants, provision of recommendations for admission by state or regional order – no later than August 05
8. Applicants who have received recommendations must fulfill the requirements for admission to places of state or regional order – August 08 (until 18.00)
9. Providing recommendations for enrollment in the contract – no earlier than August 09
10. Enrollment of applicants under the state order for training – no later than August 10
11. Enrollment of applicants on a contract – no later than August 30
02. Important stages and deadlines for obtaining a master’s degree based on a bachelor’s, specialist’s, or master’s degree
1. Registration of electronic accounts starts on July 1
2. Registration of applications for participation in the interview and professional exam – from May 08 to May 31
3. The main session of the EWI and EHIF – June 23 – July 21
4. Registration of applications for participation in an interview instead of the EIE, a professional exam, a professional exam instead of the EQSE for admission to places of state or regional order – from July 03 to July 26
5. Registration of applications for participation in an interview instead of the EIE, a professional exam, a professional exam instead of the SPEE for admission exclusively to places at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities – from July 03 to August 11
6. Registration of applications for participation in the additional session of the EHIE and EHIF – from July 12 to July 14
7. Interviews instead of EMI, professional exams, professional exams instead of EMI for admission to all sources of funding – from July 17 to July 28
8. Registration of applications for participation in the competitive selection – from July 31 to August 21 (until 18:00)
9. Interviews instead of EMI, professional exams, professional exams instead of EFE for those entering the contract – from July 31 to August 14 (until 18:00)
10. Additional session of the EWI and EHIF – from August 03 to August 16
11. Formation and publication of rating lists for the budget – no later than August 26
12. Applicants who have received recommendations must fulfill the requirements for admission to state or regional order places – August 29 by 18.00
13. Formation and publication of rating lists for the contract – no earlier than August 30
14. Enrollment of applicants under the state order for education is August 31
15. Enrollment of applicants in contact – no later than September 30
03. Calculation of the competition score for school, college, and technical school graduates
The calculation of the competitive score for admission to these specialties for obtaining a bachelor’s degree is carried out according to the formula
Competition score (CS) = (К1 × S1 + К2 × S2 + К3 × S3) /(К1 + К2 + К3)
where S1, S2, S3 – grades in the first, second, and third subjects
NMT 2023
or NMT 2022,
or EIE 2020-2021 in three competitive subjects (first, second, third subjects) for obtaining a bachelor’s degree on the basis of the CGSE
04. Calculation of the competition score for obtaining a master’s degree
The calculation of the competitive score for admission to study for a master’s degree is carried out according to the formula
Competition score (КБ) = 0,2 × S1 + 0,2 × S2 + 0,6 × S3
where S1 is the score of the general academic competence test of the UEE;
S2 – evaluation of a foreign language test UEE;
S3 – assessment of the UPEE or assessment of the professional exam
05. What is a cover letter?
An important condition for admission this year is a motivation letter.
A letter of motivation is a business document that an applicant prepares and submits to the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute” to explain why he or she considers himself or herself the best candidate for admission to the relevant educational program.
the text should be concise (1-1.5 pages of A4 format in Word using the business style of 14-point Times New Roman with 1.5 intervals), structured (information about the addressee and the applicant, introduction, main part, conclusion).
the letter should be written without emotional connotation, with the presence of etiquette phrases – addresses, farewells and the absence of spelling, punctuation, stylistic errors
it is necessary to provide information about the addressee (Chairman of the Admissions Committee of the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute” Mykola NECHIPORUK) and the applicant (surname, name, patronymic, e-mail address, phone number)
in the introductory part, it is necessary to indicate information about the applicant, the source of information about the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, the specialty (educational program), the purpose of admission to the chosen specialty (educational program)
the main part contains a description of personal qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.
the conclusion should summarize all of the above and confirm the applicant’s readiness to study and confidence in the correct choice of specialty (educational program, specialization)
A review of motivation letters is carried out by the motivation letter evaluation committee
For the competitive selection of persons for places exclusively at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities in the specialties specified in the List of specialties that are provided with special support, only the results of consideration of motivation letters are used

Our webinars
Watch our webinars about the industry and the world of modern IT technologies
Webinars from our teachers, students, and alumni

Agile та Scrum. What is it and why do you need it on your project?
Nikita Samko
Senior Software Engineer, Master of Science
Latest news
Our news
Do you want to walk around the department?
A quest game at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. Get to know the department virtually (3D models of the premises, interior, and panorama from the windows, etc. are realistic)! Download the game here.
Or there is just a virtual tour.
How to get there?
from the «University» metro station: trolleybus № 2, buses № 65, 202, 278; from the metro «South Station»: buses 302, 278; from the «Labor Heroes» metro station: buses № 17, 55, 215, 240, 247, 263, 271